Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Thursday News - For Sale

13th March 1795 
MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS TO BE SOLD - A NEW PORTABLE GRAND PIANOFORTE with Three Unisons, also a SQUARE ONE. The above, for Brilliancy of Tone and Principle of Action, are equal, if not superior to any Instrument of the Kind ever offered to the Public, being finished by one of the first Mechanics in Europe. Apply Mr BARNET, at STAMFORD.

13th March 1795
B FIRTH, MILLINER, IN THE CITY OF LINCOLN, Begs leave to inform her Friends, and the Public, that she has an assortment of MUSLIN that will be sold at REDUCED PRICES, they being an Article she don´t (sic) in future intend to deal in.

13th March 1795
GRANTHAM - THOMAS RAWLINSON has Cured a Large Quantity of HAMS, BACON and TONGUES: Ham from Ten Pound to Twenty Pound weight; Flitches from Three Stone to Eight Stone weight. Any Person giving Orders, may depend on having good and well cured (sic). NB AnAPPRENTICE to a BUTCHER and GRAZIER is Wanted at May-Day. For particulars apply of the above

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