Sunday, January 29, 2012

Opening Sentence Sunday

The gray sea churned softly. Adam stared at the rolling waves and listened to the surge of water rush in with the tide, then slowly ebb away.

Can you guess the book that owns this opening line? Want to leave your own? Leave a comment. Click for the answer.

Last weeks opener was from...

Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Thursday News - For Sale

13th March 1795 
MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS TO BE SOLD - A NEW PORTABLE GRAND PIANOFORTE with Three Unisons, also a SQUARE ONE. The above, for Brilliancy of Tone and Principle of Action, are equal, if not superior to any Instrument of the Kind ever offered to the Public, being finished by one of the first Mechanics in Europe. Apply Mr BARNET, at STAMFORD.

13th March 1795
B FIRTH, MILLINER, IN THE CITY OF LINCOLN, Begs leave to inform her Friends, and the Public, that she has an assortment of MUSLIN that will be sold at REDUCED PRICES, they being an Article she don´t (sic) in future intend to deal in.

13th March 1795
GRANTHAM - THOMAS RAWLINSON has Cured a Large Quantity of HAMS, BACON and TONGUES: Ham from Ten Pound to Twenty Pound weight; Flitches from Three Stone to Eight Stone weight. Any Person giving Orders, may depend on having good and well cured (sic). NB AnAPPRENTICE to a BUTCHER and GRAZIER is Wanted at May-Day. For particulars apply of the above

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Opening Sentence Sunday

"It was a dark and stormy night and all the ton--"

What novel is this from? Want to share the opening line from the novel nearest you? Leave a comment. Click for the answer.

Last week's opening sentence was from...

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Thursday News - Help Wanted

20th March 1795
WANTED at EASTER Next, A MAN and his WIFE to RESIDE in the WORKHOUSE, and provide for the POOR of the Parish of HOWELL. For particulars apply to Mr John ELKINGTON, of HOWELL, near SLEAFORD.

20th February 1795
CHRISTIAN KREBS, Surgeon and Occulist begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public that he may be consulted at his Apartments at Mrs GOODYEAR´s, High Street, BOSTON, Lincolnshire, every Day until the Second of April 1795. Letters to be post-paid. Boston, February 19, 1795.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Opening Sentence Sunday

Cynsyr glared at the door to number twenty-four Portman Square. "Blast it," he said to the groom who held two other horses.

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Last week's opener was from...

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Thursday News - Sales

17th April 1795
TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION (By THOMAS PENNY) on the Premises of Mrs CAMPLIN in DYKE in the Parish of BOURN in the County of Lincoln on TUESDAY the 28th Day of APRIL, 1795. SEVEN HORSES and MARES about FOURTEEN BEASTS of Different Ages and some IMPLEMENTS of HUSBANDRY. Six Months´ Credit will be given (on an Approved Security) for all Bargains above Forty Shillings. The Sale to begin at Ten o´clock in the Forenoon.

 23rd January 1795
SKENDLEBY near SPILSBY - NURSERY of TREES to be SOLD. A Variety of Forest Trees, Fruit Trees, Evergreens and Flowering Shrubs, Bulbous and Herbaceous Flower Roots etc, Garden Seeds of all Kinds: Clover Seeds, Grass Seeds of all Sorts, for the improvement of Lands; Rape and Turnip Seeds of different Sorts, the Turnip Seed chiefly of his own raising, with a particularly fine Sort never before sown in these Parts: all the above warranted to be of the best Quality, and the Lowest Prices by:- John OLIVER, Nursery & Seedsman. Good Allowances for Trade.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Opening Sentence Sunday

He had the saddest eyebrows in the world.

Want to guess what book this opener is from or share one of your own? Leave a comment. Click for the answer.

Last weeks opener was from . . .


Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Thursday News - Merry Widows

 September 28, 1792Marriage: On Thursday se´nnight was married at Carlby in this county, Mr James GLENN, farmer, to Mrs HODGKIN, a most disconsolate widow for 20 days!

 March 18, 1796
On Friday last Mr HUSBEND, Shoe-maker of Morton in this County, was married at Gainsborough to Widow CAWTHORP. The man had been a disconsolate widower for Eighteen Long Tedious Days; A Little riotious behaviour amongst the swinish multitude occurred on the occasion.

Monday, January 2, 2012

A Small Change

If you've bookmarked this site, please note that I have changed the web address from to You will also notice I will start to blog about the other genres I write in, paranormal romance and contemporary romance.
Thank you for visiting my blog,
Robin Delany

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Opening Sentence Sunday

"You can't possibly mean it..." Reena's heart lurched, and the blood rushed to her face.

Any ideas which book this is the opener for? Want to share your own opener? Comment here. Click for the answer.

Last Week's opener was . . .